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Operating System


Please update your operating system before installing the OpenSource Data Platform (ODP) stack.

sudo yum update -y

Setup binaries

Here is the list of binaries required for the installation and use of the OpenSource Data Platform (ODP) stack:

  • scp, curl, unzip, tar, wget, sed and gcc*
  • OpenSSL (v1.01, build 16 or higher)
  • Kerberos
  • Python (2.7.12 or higher, with python-devel*)
  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8
  • Snappy

The Clemlab team recommends the use of OpenJDK.

Version to avoid

Please avoid using versions 8u40, 8u45, 8u60 and 8u242 which are known to cause problems with the Kerberos library.

sudo yum install -y scp curl unzip tar wget sed gcc* openssl-devel openssl krb5-workstation krb5-libs python-devel python java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel snappy-devel snappy openssh-server openssh-clients

Disable SELinux

sudo setenforce 0
sudo sed -i 's/SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/sysconfig/selinux
sudo shutdown -r now

Disable PackageKit

sudo systemctl stop packagekit
sudo systemctl disable packagekit

Update ulimit

sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf

root soft nofile unlimited
root hard nofile unlimited
* soft nofile 65536
* hard nofile 65536
root soft nproc unlimited
root hard nproc unlimited
* soft nproc 65536
* hard nproc 65536

sudo shutdown -r now