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Descriptions of New Features

OpenSource Data Platform (ODP) provides you with several new capabilities. You must learn about the new features and their benefits to use the new features in ODP

Introduction of Upgrades

With ODP , Clemlab introduced support of Rolling and None Rolling upgrade (downtime) in order to upgrade from to

In OpenSource Data Platform (ODP), Rolling upgrade include down time on none High Available services.

Version Upgrade

Minor Upgrade of Stack version

  • Upgrade Apache Hadoop version to 3.3.6
  • Upgrade Apache HBase version to 2.5.6
  • Upgrade Apache Spark 3 version to 3.4.2
  • Upgrade Apache Nifi version to 1.23.0
  • Upgrade Apache Zookeeper version to 3.8.4

Known Bugs and Fix

Apache Ambari

  • AMBARI-99 (clemlab): Hive Server 2 does not start on ODP
  • AMBARI-98 (clemlab): odp-select fails on ugrade for RHEL
  • AMBARI-97 (clemlab): Ambari upgrade package fails when /var/lib/yum does not exists
  • AMBARI-96 (clemlab): Missing configuration for ODP 1.1 and ODP 1.2
  • AMBARI-95 (clemlab): AMBARI-24682 Rolling Restarts: Option to specify number of failures per batch
  • AMBARI-93 (clemlab): Spark3 livy2_conf_dir is not rendered
  • rollback on livy2 package
  • remove livy2 for RHEL based os
  • AMBARI-92 (clemlab): Bug missing livy2 spark packages in metainfo for RHEL based packages
  • deprecates Livy 3 from ODP 1.0
  • remove snappy-devel from ODP 1.2 RHEL 7 based os
  • AMBARI-91 (clemlab): Fail object not imported in oozie check
  • AMBARI-87 (clemlab): use postgresql provided by ambari-server from setup command
  • AMBARI-86 (clemlab): declare zookeeper-server as skippable on upgrade to solve conflict in ubuntu 22 based releases
  • AMBARI-85 (clemlab): make knox odp stack name synchronized with ODP mpacks
  • AMBARI-84 (clemlab):remove support of hive standalone-metastore folder for Spark 3 as it is deprecated
  • AMBARI-83 (clemlab): add common share lib to yarn classpath
  • AMBARI-82 (clemlab): make Mapreduce and Tez check agnostic of stack version
  • AMBARI-81 (clemlab): should enable ssl with tls is enabled
  • ambari-web: add NIFI, NIFI_REGISTRY and SPARK4 in display order
  • ODP stack: fix Flink name in logging
  • ODP: remove required dependency on SPARK2 in ZEPPELIN to allow install from UI